63' Bassman w/vibroking bottom-63' Twin Amp-76' vibrolux-67'Deluxe Reverb (my fave)-74' Twin Reverb
Suhr built tele w/Kubicki custom neck. I can see why I never became a model!
I use a Stratocaster. I like quiet strats, so I have one with Kinmans, one with dimarzio stacked humbuckers, one with Bill Lawrence Pickups, one with Fender Vintage noiseless w/Clapton mid boost and one with Lindy Fralins. I have a telecaster with a piezo bridge for the acoustic sound. I have other guitars, but this is what I play out with.
I use a Tony Bruno and also like Fender amps. Tony's got an ear for the sound and it is very reliable.I also use a 72 deluxe reverb with a jensen c12n, and a 63 blonde Bassman.with a Vibroking 2-12 bottom (Outdoor rig.)
I use four effects. A TS-9, Budda Wah, Rotosphere and an analog delay. More than that compromises the guitar sound. I don't want to program anything.
Tone means everything to me. 70 percent of tone is in the fingers, and I work on that, but the rest is a constant quest.
I like good music. I don't like bad music. This may sound a little simple, but music trancends personal taste. Bad music is the type that causes plants to die when exposed for more than 3 hours a day.